Getting Started

serviser-template plugin should help you get running. It generates working project skeleton based on minimal user input.

Here is basic project file system structure:

  • config/
  • config/config.js
    • service configuration
  • lib/
  • lib/routes/
    • by convention, not required
    • contents of the directory will be recursively loaded (by user-defined rules) at service startup therefore filenames don't have to match any pattern.
  • lib/routes/v1.0/
  • lib/routes/v1.0/<app_name>/
  • lib/app.js
    • by convention registers individual applications running within the service and exports the AppManager instance
    • A service can have multiple applications running on different ports.
  • logs/
    • when logging into the fs
  • index.js
    • is REQUIRED to export the Service instance

A service can be run by npm start or by ./node_modules/.bin/serviser run command respectively.
See CLI Interface for list of options.

A Service instance holds the main representation of a running web service. It's aware of AppManager with Apps which each may listen on different TCP port. Also the service object has access to essential ResourceManager & RemoteServiceManager & Service Config

require('serviser') === Service Constructor


index.js is the entry point of a service and the only file with enforced purpose/structure. It's required to:

  • export Service instance object
  • register external resources (database connections, dependent services etc..) needed by the service
  • it's responsible for attaching Service#event:set-up event listener which should initialize individual applications running within the service
  • if any optional plugins are desirable, they should be loaded at bottom of the file by simply requiring (require('serviser-<pluginname>')) the package.


const config  = require('serviser-config');
const Service = require('serviser').Service;

const service     = module.exports = new Service(config);

service.on('set-up', function() {
    //1.initialize service - do any synchronous/asynchrounous work to
    //                       be able to initize individual applications
    //2.initialize applications with route definitions

// serviser plugin registration

See Service#event:set-up event API.


the destination and filename is purely conventional matter and can be placed in custom location.
It initializes all applications which will be run within the service.

const moduleLoader = require('serviser').moduleLoader;
const service      = require('../index.js');

module.exports = service.appManager;

//creates a http application
service.buildApp('app-name', {
    //additional constructor options
    //see App class constructor API
}).once('post-init', function() {
    //custom initialization stuff
    //eg. add application wide middleware

//recursively `require`s `*.js` modules
    __dirname + '/routes/v1.0/', //versioned endpoints
], {
    except: [] //list of paths that should NOT be imported

See the API of App class. See Routing tutorial for a basic endpoint definition.

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